December 26

 Today we flew! We left home at 7:24am to head to Kansas City.  After stopping for some McDonald's breakfast burritos we were on our way! The boys did great on the car ride down.  I had reserved parking at the airport so it was very easy to drop off our vehicle, get on the shuttle and head to the airport.  Due to Rocky being a lap child we had to wait in the standard line and not use the express check-in.  It took about 20 minutes, which won't be anything in terms of the lines we'll be waiting in at Disney! After checking our perfect 50.0 pound bag (4 people-1 bag- 8 days!) we were on our way to security.  The wait for the security was quick and the boys did great going through.  We got stopped with the diaper bag because the wipes looked suspicious under the x-ray.  

We were scheduled to go out of gate 39 but two gates down, 37 was empty. We found a little spot with no one around and made ourselves at home.  Our flight was delayed an hour so when the little mexican restaurant opened up near us we decided that is where we would get lunch.  We shared chips, salsa and chicken quesadillas.  Then it was time to load the plane!

Because we have kids under 6 we were able to board between boarding groups A and B. We found seats all the way to the back and sat together. Thom and Rocky sat by the window, Teddy in the middle and I was by the aisle.  We taxied around for awhile and then the plane came to a stop on the runway.  We were told there were some issues with Traffic Control and we would have to wait 15-20 minutes.  The goal was to get Rocky his bottle as we were taking off and then he would fall asleep---oh how wrong we were. 

We have never seen Rocky behave the way he did on the plane.  He does not like to be held or confined and that is all we were trying to do and he was NOT having it.  Thom did a great job trying to keep him contained and Rocky continually said "hello" out the window.  Nothing was satisfying Rocky. Teddy did a great job on the plane.  With Southwest they offered free movies on your phone, so he watched part of the Lego Movie and the Grinch that Stole Christmas.  

When we arrived we were last off the plane and met Mom outside of security. Dad was installing the car seats. Mom and I loaded the boys up while Thom got our luggage. Then we were off!

The boys fell asleep within 5 minutes of driving. We arrived at the condo about 6:00. We settled in and Dad ordered UNOS Pizza. Melanie, Damon and Emily (friends from Osceola) joined us for dinner. We sampled some bourbon creme whisky and enjoyed an evening of good conversations.  We opened some Christmas gifts and put the boys to bed for the evening.  We are glad to be in Florida with the nice weather!
