December 28

 This morning started early at 5:00 for our fishing trip! We made it over to Port Canaveral around 6:40 for a quick bathroom break before loading the boat.  Thom, Dad, Drew, Melanie, Damien and I were all in good spirits as we boarded the Sea Leveler. As we left the inlet we quickly realized how rough the waters were.  We went approximately 15 miles which is about an hour boat ride. It was like a constant rollercoaster. There was a Disney Cruise Ship coming into dock while we were on our way out. Cruises aren't running now so it was quieter at the port.

We made it safely out to the reef and our captain, Steve, got our poles ready. He put 3 poles out and then it was waiting time for a fish to bite! First bite was for Melanie. It was a black fin shark! You can keep shark over 4 feet long, but he was under so he went back to the ocean.  Damien caught our first king mackerel.  Drew caught a bonita, then it was my turn.  

When the reel started to go, I hopped over to reel in. As I was reeling it in you could see a shark following it! The shark ate half of my fish! I'm sure if I had slowed down reeling just a bit the shark would have eaten the rest of my fish! Luckily we still got to keep half of the fish! It was really neat to see. It was a sandbar shark and was about 6 feet long.  It was humorous because I was just asking Steve if he had ever caught a shark. He said that the shark population is high and that they aren't able to reel in many super big fish because the shark get to them before they can get them in the boat.  

Thom and Dad finished our trip by catching a fish and then we decided to go back in. The waters were too rough and we had two seasick members on our boat. The decision to call it came at the right time as all of us were starting to feel a little queasy.  The ride back in was much smoother because we were going with the waves. Once we got closer to shore the water was so calm! There were even people parasailing! It was hard to believe that it was so rough just a few miles off shore.  

Once we got in we took our picture with our catches and watched Steve clean the fish. The pelicans are so funny! They sit on top and wait for the remains.  They even sit on top and pop their head down for first bites. We decided to eat at the grill next to the dock.  Dad ordered tuna as an appetizer- it was delicious! For lunch I had coconut shrimp.  After enjoying lunch outside we were on our way back home.

I slept the ride home and then took a nap when we got back.  While we were fishing Mom and Emilee watched the boys. It sure seemed like they had a great time! They went to the splash pad, the arcade, mini golf and explored the condo!

When we woke up around 5:00 it was time to play! Rocky, Teddy, Maeve and Peter played in the rooms while we enjoyed some appetizers before our fish fry.

Drew did a great job frying/cooking the fish! It was amazing! Peter, Maeve and Teddy went and played mini golf while I got Rocky ready for bed.  It was a fun evening!

Tomorrow is Disney! I am super tired so hopefully I can get some sleep tonight before we leave in the morning! 
