December 30, 2020

 Cocoa Beach here we come! 

We left at about 9:30 today for Cocoa Beach and made it there about 10:45. The day started out a little overcast but the sun quickly came out! We had a great time! Teddy’s favorite thing to do was collect seashells. Rocky loved playing in the sand. We’d build a little sand tower and Rocky would squish it down. Then he’s find a bird to chase and would finish by dipping his toes in the water. We stood for probably 30 minutes just letting the waves rush onto his feet- he would laugh and laugh when it went higher and was by his belly! Teddy wasn’t so sure about the water and preferred to stay by our things collecting shells. We enjoyed sandwiches on the beach and played the day away. 

After a quick stop at Ron Jon Surf Shop we are now on our way back to the condo. 

Once we returned to the condo it was time for dinner. Mom and Drew cooked tacos. Drew has been doing a lot of the cooking this trip-the food has been amazing-he has a real talent. 

Everyone joined for tacos and after tacos we went to the fire pit for s’mores. The kids had a blast building their own campfire! We called it a night rather early because the Funkes needed to start their journey home early in the morning! 


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