December 31, 2020

 Happy last day of 2020! This morning the boys were up ready to play at 6:30; I hope this doesn't mean they'll be up at 5:30 back home! Today is a down day. The only two plans we had were to go to Disney Springs (Downtown Disney) to hit the Lego store and to go to the pool. Before we left for Disney Springs we took a little walk around the resort.   Disney Springs opened at 10:00 so we were there at 10:00 and got right into the store. The Lego store was much smaller than I imagined. It was basically a big circle store with the outside walls having shelves.  We looked for awhile before heading to the World of Disney Store.  We decided, while in line to enter the store, to eat lunch while at Disney Springs so mom got in line for the TRex restaurant (similar to Rainforest Cafe, but dinosaurs). We got in at 11:00. Teddy thought the restaurant was neat but got a little scared the first time they all started roaring.  

After lunch we stopped in a few stores and then headed back to the condo for nap time.  The boys took a great nap! 

After nap was swimming time! Everyone enjoyed the pool and hot tub.  The Boyds bought UNOs for dinner tonight.  It was delicious again! 

Once pizza was devoured we went to Congo River for some mini golf! Everyone was having a great time! Knowing that we're going to Disney tomorrow I wanted the boys to get a good night sleep so the boys and I came back early.  Because we had to leave early the guy offered us a raincheck however knowing we wouldn't be back I instead asked if the boys could feed the gators at the mini golf instead. He said yes! So Teddy and Rocky fed some gators! 

Now to bed for an early morning! Happy New Year everyone!!


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