
January 2, 2021

 Yesterday we traveled home. Mom, Dad and Drew left at 3:00am and our flight was scheduled to leave at 10:00am. Thankfully, Damon was willing to take us to the airport. We made it to the airport in decent time, but when we arrived we were met with a huge line of people trying to leave like we were. We waited in a very long line and when we got to the front we realized it was the line for the kiosks--and we couldn't check in with a kiosk because Rocky is a lap child so we had to go to another very long line for full service.  Luckily we made it through by 8:50 and headed to security....another long line. Once we made it through we took the tram to our terminal. We arrived at our gate about 9:15.  The boys didn't eat much so I decided to run to McDonalds quick. There were lines, of course, but they were moving quick. When I got a few people away from the register the cashier's register started acting up.  After waiting 5 minutes they got it working. Once I got up there it sta

January 1, 2021

 Happy New Year! We celebrated by going to Magic Kingdom today! As we did with Hollywood Studios, we thought it would be a good idea to get to the park before it opened so we planned on leaving the condo an hour before park opening time.  We made our way to parking and then took the monorail to the park.  It was getting busy already! Teddy and Rocky seemed to like the monorail. Thom called it the magic train in the sky so Teddy thought that was pretty fun.   When we made it to the park we saw our first characters! The train depot ride is getting redone but they had Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto and Daisy up there waving as people came in! They did so great pointing at people and waving. Teddy and Rocky got Mickey to wave at them. We then made our way to the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train because we knew that line would get long throughout the day.  By the time we got there at 7:45 (park officially opened at 8:00) the wait was already 90 minutes. So we headed over to Space Mountain which we th

December 31, 2020

 Happy last day of 2020! This morning the boys were up ready to play at 6:30; I hope this doesn't mean they'll be up at 5:30 back home! Today is a down day. The only two plans we had were to go to Disney Springs (Downtown Disney) to hit the Lego store and to go to the pool. Before we left for Disney Springs we took a little walk around the resort.   Disney Springs opened at 10:00 so we were there at 10:00 and got right into the store. The Lego store was much smaller than I imagined. It was basically a big circle store with the outside walls having shelves.  We looked for awhile before heading to the World of Disney Store.  We decided, while in line to enter the store, to eat lunch while at Disney Springs so mom got in line for the TRex restaurant (similar to Rainforest Cafe, but dinosaurs). We got in at 11:00. Teddy thought the restaurant was neat but got a little scared the first time they all started roaring.   After lunch we stopped in a few stores and then headed back to th

December 30, 2020

 Cocoa Beach here we come!  We left at about 9:30 today for Cocoa Beach and made it there about 10:45. The day started out a little overcast but the sun quickly came out! We had a great time! Teddy’s favorite thing to do was collect seashells. Rocky loved playing in the sand. We’d build a little sand tower and Rocky would squish it down. Then he’s find a bird to chase and would finish by dipping his toes in the water. We stood for probably 30 minutes just letting the waves rush onto his feet- he would laugh and laugh when it went higher and was by his belly! Teddy wasn’t so sure about the water and preferred to stay by our things collecting shells. We enjoyed sandwiches on the beach and played the day away.  After a quick stop at Ron Jon Surf Shop we are now on our way back to the condo.  Once we returned to the condo it was time for dinner. Mom and Drew cooked tacos. Drew has been doing a lot of the cooking this trip-the food has been amazing-he has a real talent.  Everyone joined for

December 29, 2020

Disney! We woke up yesterday morning all excited and ready for Disney Hollywood Studios.  I had read that the park opens about 45 minutes earlier than it says it does so we made it our goal to leave the condo at 8:00 even though the park didn't open until 9:00.  We were not the only ones with this plan, however, we did get great parking, got through security and checks in great time and made it quickly into the park.   Once in, we took a little potty break while Anne and Nolan got a stroller.  Then we were off to our first ride- Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway. It is a new ride and opened in March, right before COVID hit and Disney closed.  It was the perfect first ride for everyone!  I was incredibly impressed with how Disney kept everyone socially distanced and kept an eye on everyone's mask.  For every ride they had lines that marked "Please Wait Here". It was socially distanced from the next line and your group waited on one line to keep distance from the