December 27

 Hello from Florida!! Today we slept in until about 8--no one has adjusted to the new time zone yet! It was a down day and we just wanted to take advantage of the condo.  We walked around the resort this morning and explored the changes they have made since we were last here. They have a new playground, mini golf, game room and updates to the pool and splash pad area! 

We played on the playground for a bit before heading back for an early lunch of pancakes, sausage and smoothie. Around lunchtime Anne and Maeve arrived.  The boys napped while we went grocery shopping.  Once the boys woke we went to the playground and the swimming pool.  They loved swimming! Rocky is definitely my water baby, but Teddy is getting much more comfortable each time he swims. They even put their toes in the "hot pool" for a couple minutes.  After swimming we went back to the condo for some snacks and Dad, Drew and Thom joined the Boyds by the pool while the kids played.  

We decided it would be an easy dinner and we ordered poolside. Their little cafe food is actually really great! The rest of the Funke clan arrived safely after attending the Jaguar/Bears game and met us poolside.  It wasn't long before it was time to finish up dinner and get Rocky to bed. 

Tomorrow we are going fishing and it will be an early morning! 

As I am typing I am watching Teddy hide sharks in each person's pant leg or sleeve. He thinks it is hilarious once we realize we have a shark in our pant leg! 


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